




United States 
& Other Countries

Country Program Preparation, UNDP/Gambia Country Office, Government of the Gambia, 3-4/06- Provided the Team Leader to research and prepare the UNDP/Government of the Gambia Country Programme for 2007-11 and a Roadmap to assist in program implementation and reshaping the Country Office to make it more results oriented. The programme was focused on poverty reduction, social protection and good governance, enhanced cooperation between UNDP and UN organizations, development partners and the government, and improved implementation modalities. Also prepared the Results and Resources Framework complete with outcomes, outputs, partnerships and funding streams.


Restructuring of Civil Service Remuneration, Government of Madagascar/UNDP, (12/04). Review of the current remuneration system for government civil servants as well as the new elements emerging from recent studies undertaken by the Ministry of Civil Service. Provided advice and observations for the necessary restructuring of the said system so as to adjust it to the public services and civil service reform. The review considered the concept of general and individualized result and performance standards, the recorded and expected economic performances and the current macroeconomic framework.


Kuwait Port Assessment, United Nations Development Program, UN Office of Project Services 7-7/02. Provided a Ports Infrastructure Development Specialist to assess the operational and human resource status and needs of the Kuwait Ports Authority. Designed two projects to 1) improve the management and operations of the KPA; and 2) develop current human resources and identify future human resource needs.


Iran Project Identification and Assessment for Sistan and Baluchestan Province, United Nations Development Programme, UN Office of Programme Services (5-6/02). Provided the Sustainable Development Specialist to assist a UNDP mission in assessing the challenges confronting the region and potential opportunities for provincial development. The team identified policies to be undertaken by provincial authorities to enable development; integrated strategies to enhance employment generation and poverty alleviation; alternative feasible solutions that could be cost effectively implemented as programs; and projects to achieve sustainable and equitable growth.


Career Counseling and Skills Development for Administrative Employees, U.S. Federal Labor Relations Authority, 10/01-1/02.Under BGSI’s Work Schedule with the U.S. General Services Administration (Management, Organizational and Business Improvement Services- MOBIS Schedule), worked with FLRA administrative employees to assess their skills and career interests and provide counseling and training to meet interest and career goals.


Qatar Civil Service Bureau Economic and Management Support, UNDP/Government of Qatar (8/95-12/95). Strengthened the Civil Service Bureau’s functions and enhanced its ability to facilitate performance and efficiency improvements in the ministries and public agencies. Provided the Personal Systems and Management Specialist. Duties included: 1) analyze existing work procedures and suggest improvements; 2) analyze existing resource allocation and utilization and suggest improvements to reduce costs and improve service delivery; and 3) analyze the decision-making framework, identify constraints and recommend possible improvements to improve Civil Service Bureau management and performance.


Turkey Education Training Project, World Bank (2/94-3/95). Assisted the Center for Education and Training for Employment, Ohio State University by organizing and coordinating visits of Turkey education officials in Washington D.C. The project aim was to expose the officials to U.S. public and private education and training institutions and train officials in primary, secondary, vocational and adult education/training reform. The visits exposed officials to federal education institutions, programs and the policy formulation process.


Industry Skill Standards Preparation, U.S. Education Department, (2/93-8/97). Provided technical advisors to assist in standards development of the electronics, computer-aided design, chemical processing, advanced manufacturing, and agribusiness industries. Worked with teams of industry, labor and government officials to identify the human resource needs, labor skills needed for satisfactory entry level performance, and identification of training needs and sources. The goal was to promote the economic efficiency of the U.S. workforce, identify compliance to federal, state and local regulations, and avoid duplication of training efforts. The program work done for the Best Manufacturing Practices Center for Excellence contributed to the Center’s program winning the 1998 Innovation in American Government Award, a prestigious award given to outstanding examples of creative problem-solving in the public sector. The award is sponsored by the Ford Foundation and administered by Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in partnership with the Council for Excellence in Government.


Training and Technology Transfer Program Development, U.S. Trade and Development Program (8/92). Developed a training, placement and technology transfer scheme that placed foreign participants (middle level managers and technicians) in U.S. companies and vocational institutions. The scheme's aim was to train foreign workers on U.S. equipment and machinery, transfer U.S. standards and management/operational techniques, and develop joint ventures between U.S. and foreign firms.


Private Sector Management and Decision-making Development, Belize, Belize Institute of Management, U.S.AID/Belize (6/92, 8/94). Conducted management seminars on team building, decision-making, planning and evaluation. Presented approaches designed for participants' public entities, reviewed case studies, and facilitated group role-playing.


New Privatization Financial Instrument Identification, United States (5/92-Present). Developed new financial instruments to facilitate U.S. urban development and privatization. Mechanisms include Urban Center and Privatization Mutual Funds, Privatization Share Offerings and Privatization Bond Issues. The mechanisms were developed to tap local investment and broaden private ownership and capital markets. Undertaking further research.


Regional Private Enterprise Technical Support Services Project, U.S. Agency for International Development (1/91-10/93). Served as a subcontractor to assist private enterprise development in Asia, Near East and Eastern Europe. Focused on the privatization, and trade and investment aspects of the project relating to private sector development.


Trade and Investment Policy and Program Development, U.S. Agency for International Development (U.S.AID-wide, 1/91- 6/91). Provided advisory services to the Trade and Investment Working Group appointed by the U.S.AID Administrator to determine approaches for U.S.AID's trade and investment programs and projects in developing countries, and determine U.S.AID's role in facilitating U.S.-U.S.AID client country commercial ventures. The effort was aimed at providing services in Eastern Europe and other newly-emerging countries. Responsibilities included reviewing U.S. government, private sector and foreign trade and investment facilitative services and information systems; analyzing U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (U.S.&FCS), U.S.AID, and Foreign Agricultural Service domestic and overseas commercial development efforts; developing options and components of U.S.AID's trade and investment information system; and evaluating needs and options to provide trade and investment services in these newly-emerging countries.


Trade and Investment Strategic and Operational Framework, Asia/Near East/East European Bureau's Private Sector Development Office, U.S. Agency for International Development (2/90-6/90). Prepared an extensive review of past U.S.AID and other country/multilateral trade and investment efforts. The Framework analyzed the role of trade and investment as a development objective, assessed U.S.AID's role in assisting country/regional trade and investment development, and assessed the role of U.S. firm involvement. Recommendations were on types of assistance needed, private sector roles (U.S. and in-country), and country government roles. Framework and supporting presentation material were presented at regional Private Sector Development meetings in Thailand and Jordan. The document was used as a guide for U.S.AID trade and investment efforts. BGSI has also assisted U.S.AID missions in trade and investment project formulation.


International Investment Project Development for various developers and investors. Prepared project information including, feasibility studies, country/market summaries, and project descriptions. Also assisted in planning projects, developing investment interest and developing strategic plans. Projects were in Asia, Pacific Islands and the U.S. Mid-West.


Health Service Firm International Strategy Development for a private sector health service firm. Developed a strategic plan for a U.S. health service and equipment supply firm to establish international business. Firm has ongoing international business.


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